daniel cadeau
full-stack web developer
back-end focused
soft skills
- problem solving
- teamwork
- self-management
programming languages
- Javascript
- Python
- Laravel Symfony
- React Next
- Vue.js Nuxt
- Astro
- Django FastAPI
other hard skills
- web hosting
- (Linux, Docker)
- database management
- (SQL, NoSQL)
work experience

Qorus (formerly Efma)
september 2021 - november 2022
november 2022 - now
Laravel, VueJS, MySQL
As Efma was becoming Qorus, we had to develop the new
website with its own new UX and deploy on a new server.
I was involved in the development of both the front-end and
back-end parts of the project.
I also worked on a chat and notification platform, which
is designed to make communication easy and efficient for
both individuals and communities.
Web@cadémie by EPITECH - Paris
2020 - 2022
Established in 2010, Web@cadémie by Epitech is an
innovative institution which is offering students an
opportunity to learn essential skills and thrive in the
digital industry.
Successfully passing the 'piscine' (an intensive, immersive
coding experience lasting 3 weeks) allowed me to enter this
two-year coding bootcamp, which equipped me with a solid
foundation in front-end and back-end development and database
The program includes a valuable internship opportunity during
the second year, providing real-world experience in the tech
pet projects

Current stack:
Previous version:
Yii, jQuery, MySQL, Docker
This website serves as an uncomplicated content management
platform tailored for my friend which is a music creator.
It empowers to effortlessly add songs and albums offering
a centralized hub to consolidate links to various music services,
thus eliminating the need for external tools.
more about me

My passion for coding began in my teenage years when I
discovered programming through the French learning
platform SiteduZero, now known as OpenClassrooms.
Informatics are now an integral part of my life.
I love exploring and discovering cities across Europe; you
can guess Riga in the background of the selfie above. Another
of my passions is literature; being absorbed by a book is
such a nice feeling.
To follow along with my journey, check out my blog where
I share insights and challenges I encounter.